
Started by MonteD, June 30, 2017, 05:54:41 PM

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Recently celebrated two years with our 21BHS.

Just wanted to comment on one of the best suggestions we got off this forum.

We are currently in SC, one of the top five most humid states in the union and currently raining.

We have a house GE dehumidifier inside the trailer(set on 50%) that runs in order to keep the temperature up enough to run the AC. The temperature inside is 73 degrees and humidity is less than 50%. This is absolutely one of the top three things we have done to make our CL more comfortable. The dehumidifier does not ever leave the trailer! This will not work boon docking but we do not BD that much.

Happy Camping!


We have a 21BHS also and agree with you 100%. Our 30-pint dehumidifier never leaves the trailer either. It doesn't seem like we have to run it during the days as much (unless we're in a very humid place), as we mainly use it in the evenings and during the night. Seems like the humidity starts climbing once the sun goes down. Certainly makes it much more comfortable and easier to sleep!