
Started by shark24, April 22, 2017, 10:46:35 PM

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Box on the ceiling that holds tv wires came loose and fell. The screws are still in box but we noticed there is a leak that is ruining the holes where the screws were. Noticed the azdel ceiling has some type of press wood above it to screw the box into. The leak has we think ruined that so i dont think it will hold anymore. The real problem is we have gotten the rv sealent and gone over the roof seams and the stream of water when it rains has stopped but there is still a leak because when i put my pinky finger in the screw hole when i pull my finger out it has water on it. Any thoughts of where to check or what to do?


If you think you have solved the leak, I would wait a bit and see if things dry out.  Moisture has a habit of sticking around unless you can get dry air to it.  Can you crank up the heat, open the vents and let it dry thoroughly.  Perhaps a fan directed at the area may assist.


Quote from: shark24 on April 22, 2017, 10:46:35 PM

Box on the ceiling that holds tv wires came loose and fell. The screws are still in box but we noticed there is a leak that is ruining the holes where the screws were. Noticed the azdel ceiling has some type of press wood above it to screw the box into. The leak has we think ruined that so i dont think it will hold anymore. The real problem is we have gotten the rv sealent and gone over the roof seams and the stream of water when it rains has stopped but there is still a leak because when i put my pinky finger in the screw hole when i pull my finger out it has water on it. Any thoughts of where to check or what to do?

This sounds very odd. Can you post a photo of the location? Are you the first owner of the camper? 


The same box came loose on our 21BHS as well. One of the two side screws had no engagement at all.

I don't think mine was attached on the top at all, but I might be wrong.


After you have solved the moisture issues, here is an old carpenters trick. Use tooth picks and glue to fill the screw holes. Jamb them in and break them off as flush to surface as possible to fill the hole.  Let the glue set then reinsert the wood screws without drilling. Normally will give you a pretty good bond.

Good luck.


Thank you everyone. Will try these suggestions!