Aluminum framed cabinet door edge guard & hinge lube

Started by Fatdog2, April 12, 2018, 04:57:52 PM

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I have ran into the corners of the aluminum cabinet doors and drew blood to many times, maybe it's my failing eyesight,  not opening the doors wide enough, or not paying attention. I need to Adult proof the corners. LOL... I found this mold-able glue called Sugru and it has helped put a bumper on the edge of the cabinet doors. I found wearing blue nitrile gloves helps keep it off my hands, not that it's a big deal. The Sugru is soft and pliable and it gets harder as it cures. It stuck to the door frames with out roughing up the finish, just let it cure once you like the shape.  I was going to shape better next try and then take a paint pen and touch it up to match the cabinet frame. I don't even notice the slight difference in color black it's not as shiny as aluminum frame, but that's okay.

I used some Boeshield T-9 Bicycle Lube on all cabinet hinges and that really made them swing open and close better. The Boeshield T-9 is some nice stuff and great for aluminum. It dries and leaves a thin film of paraffin wax coating on hinge pins that you can't see. This has worked for me, I thought I'd pass it on.


Thanks for sharing your tips. I am not a big fan of Sugrru for a variety of reasons but they do a lot of marketing. If you haven't tried it, check out Instamorph the next time you need some creative fixes.


MTCamper  thanks, Instamorph is some impressive looking stuff. Never heard of it but sure could have use it to fix a few plastic parts.