2018 Kitchen Faucet

Started by ADR, September 13, 2018, 10:36:29 AM

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Our 2018 16TBS kitchen faucet has developed a really annoying squeak in the cold water side.
I have not been able to determine how to get the handle assembly off-
there is a grey plastic plug that I cannot push in (hoping it was a spring loaded catch) or manage to pull out.

Of course there is no brand name visible anywhere on the faucet.   I'm currently 2100 miles from home near the Grand Canyon on week 4 of our west trip and am reluctant to damage anything.

So-   does anyone know HOW to get the faucet handles off? :P


They are either screwed on or possibly pressed on.

There will be a cap on the top or small hole on the side near the bottom for screw access.

This isn't first hand knowledge of your exact faucet but every one I've ever worked on in a house, boat, camper, etc all were attached one of these ways.


That's the thing-  the ONLY visible means of disassembly is that grey plastic plug- about 3/16" diameter.   
No other visible means to remove-   tried pulling firmly but no go.
Guess I will live with the squeak until I get home...


That is probably it, some use a small set screw. 

I'd wait until you get home, if a project is going to go sideways it will undoubtedly happen while you are on vacation without any tools  ;D


Oh I carry a pretty good assortment of tools- but I do not carry faucet parts for an unknown brand ;)

It sounds like a dry O-ring or seal- every time the cold side is rotated there is an annoying squeak...

Currently 25 miles north of the Grand Canyon.  Camped off the same road I hit a mule deer on last year and did $3k damage to my van.


Yeah ours started squeaking, then the darn thing busted off,, water everywhere. Cheap stuff they use to fit travel trailers. I replaced it with a Moen Muirfield setup,, awesome and will not squeak or break.
