How long from factory to dealer?

Started by tbrady, March 21, 2017, 12:32:28 PM

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Just wanted to get any input you guys have on how long it typically takes for a trailer to make it to the dealer once it's off the factory line.  Ours came off the line 2 weeks ago but our dealer has no idea when the trailer will make it to him...  We have our first trip scheduled in 2.5 weeks so I'm getting a little antsy!


Where are you located in relation to the factory? Big dealer or small? Did the dealer say what the problem is? 2 weeks is a long time for the camper to just sit at the factory.


So, my dealer is in Iowa about 8 hrs from the factory.  I'm in Carnation, WA, about 25 hours from my dealer. :)  I bought from Iowa because the only dealer close to me was 4hrs away and they couldn't get within 5k of the price.  This dealer actually went lower than I could get SIRV.


So you are going to the Iowa dealer to pick it up once it comes in?

I'm surprised the dealer can't get a delivery date out of LL that is a least ballpark. I also wonder what role dealers have in factory to dealer transportation.

Maybe some other recent purchaser will chime in here with info on transportation. 


We had a similar issue when we ordered ours. I ended up having to call the factory myself to get a straight answer. Turns out there was a shortage of drivers and it was going to be a week later than the already late estimate. If I remember correctly it was about 3 weeks from being complete to showing up at the dealer... very frustrating...


We feel your pain, tbrady. Been there ourselves. My 2015 Camplite 21 BHS was finished by mid-September 2014. I did not get it until the end of October at SIRV.  I was in contact with my salesman, Mike, regularly. Eventually, the dealer, SIRV, had to send their own truck to the factory to get my camper.

SIRV sold a lot of Camplites, and knows we talk about them here on this board. They did everything they could to make me happy with my purchase. Consequently, I highly recommend them to other campers.

Good luck, and maybe we will see you at a campground. We plan to go to the PNW in summer 2018!


Well, apparently it has "shipped" but not sure when.  Considering the dealer is only 8hrs from the factory I would assume it would only take a day or two?  Unless the government is somehow involved...

Leslie, where in the PNW are you guys going??


Well, I am hoping pinstriper will find a great place on the Oregon Coast like he did last year. I hope a bunch of other LL folks will be able to join us.

It is good that your camper is "in transit". How long it takes depends upon how many stops they have to make before they get to your dealer. Camp on!


When will you guys be there?  Sorry if there is another thread on this that I missed!


Quote from: tbrady on March 23, 2017, 12:52:14 PM
When will you guys be there?  Sorry if there is another thread on this that I missed!

Here is the beginnings Leslie's thread on that topic. It will be easiest to find in the future if we keep the meet up discussions on there  :D