2017 16 TBS Stats

Started by mojospeople, September 28, 2020, 12:56:03 AM

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Well, last month I sold our 2017 16TBS. Today I tallied up our travel log and here are the stats:
Purchased Dec 5th 2016. Sold Aug 22, 2020
Owned 1356 days
Number of trips: 34
Approximate miles traveled: 16,000
Nights used: 107
States visited: 10
It was a great trip and this has been a great community!
Looking forward to racking up the miles/nights/states in our new Lance. Bon Voyage!


You've been a good contributor to this forum. Perhaps it's only confirmation bias, but it seems those who sell their CLs and purchase another brand, still seem to go for quality. Best wishes on your travels with the Lance. GK