I was just playing around with cooling on my own fridge last week. In my case I was trying to prevent the existing thermostatic fan from kicking on because it seemed to be running too often. I was planning to either assist with airflow (taking off the cover will stop the fan within seconds), or using a lower power/quieter fan. So my first question to everyone that has responded so far: Do you have a stock fan at all? It doesn't sound like it. My trailer came from the factory with a relatively small Sunon that makes a bunch of noise and doesn't seem to do much. It's mounted on a bracket near the top of the cabinet, but points up. My idea was to install an array of larger, lower power fans (like 120mm Noctua industrial) on a baffle so that the air has to leave the cabinet instead of just swirling around in circles. I was hoping to keep the power the same or lower than the existing fan so that I could just steal its power connection. Any thoughts?