Andersen WDH - Ball height critical

Started by tbrady, April 01, 2017, 12:10:45 AM

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So, I just pulled our brand new *2018* 21BHS (more on that later) back from Iowa (1800 miles) and learned a few things about using the Andersen hitch.   I started out having the ball about 1.5 higher than level (like the instructions state) and after traveling for about 500 miles i felt things were just more squirrely that it should be.  I pulled in to walmart and dropped my ball down a notch and holy cow, it made a world of difference.  I can't believe making a 1.5" adjustment in ball height would impact things like it did...

After that I was smooth sailing.


Glad you got it set correctly. Looking forward to the full trip report! 


Yes, it's very important to have it level. We had to lower ours as well and it tows like a champ. Glad to have the Andersen WDH, especially for its' sway control capabilities. I wouldn't want to pull our 21BHS in windy conditions without it. Just drove in some very windy conditions recently when we were driving from Oklahoma to Arkansas and it was all we wanted to handle even with the Andersen hitch. Good move in getting one!


Hi tbrady. I ordered a 2018 21BHS like you and I am also considering the Andersen WDH. Thank you for the tips!
2014 Ford Escape
2015 Camplite 13QBB
2016 Ford F150
2018 Ford F150
2018 Camplite 21BHS